COVID19 UPDATE: MAR 27- Apr 16



We hope your families remain safe and healthy as we weather this storm together.  Like most Of You, we are all adjusting to working and learning remotely. and while its not ideal, we are thankful for technology that allows us to Stay connected Thru this Unprecedented situation. the last 2 weeks, Our incredibly dedicated and creative staff has been working tirelessly to provide virtual classes and distance learning materials for all our students. We are thrilled that so many of you have accessed your Virtual classes and have kept up your training thru that platform. In addition to instructional videos, assignments, educational materials and challenges that our incredible staff has provided on your virtual class pages, we also experimented with live stream classes thru zoom video conferencing with a few classes. if you have not yet accessed your virtual class please do!  Info on how to access your Online class was emailed Mid March and posted on our website (see link below). As Our season comes to a close on April 16, Please continue reading for How we plan To Complete the season.



BAC Will observe Our Scheduled SPRING BREAK March 30- April 3. We will be taking a much needed break to regroup and get ready for the coming weeks. You will still have access to all the videos, Challenges and assignments posted on your online class page.


***** UPDATE ***** COSTUME PICK UP POSTPONED ******* 😭 While WE consider Dance essential.. the state does not.. so we will not be able to open next week for curbside costume pick up.... as much as we REALLY wanted the kids to get them next week, we have to do our part to flatten the curve and encourage everyone to STAY HOME. If the order is lifted, we will do curbside pick up the following week - if the order is extended, we will keep them safe until that time! Meanwhile be on the lookout for new activities and classes online next week!



We had wanted to do a "dress rehearsal / home performance" on zoom next week To celebrate the end of the season, but because of the "stay at home" order we not able to get costumes out in time to do that.. BUT I want to do SOMETHING special!  I decided i want to make a big studio wide SLIDE SHOW with pictures from the season and post online. I have a A TON Of pics from the first week, parade, grinch and classes but I wanted to see if parents or students  had any really GREAT (good quality) dance pictures I might not have (from anytime THIS season Sept-Apr) and would also love some from the last few weeks of students dancing at home. We will include as many as we can, but may have to limit if we get a lot (or have too many similar ) To SUBMIT A PICTURE please DO NOT EMAIL it -  please submit it on your virtual class page - (or on the Facebook post we created for it )  BY 7PM WEDNESDAY April 8.If you have not accessed your VIRTUAL CLASS PAGE yet you can do so HERE, be sure to check your pages often (and scroll down Your Class page so don't miss anything)




Over The Last Few Weeks, We Have Been Holding Our Breath, Watching And Waiting To See How The Covid19 Virus Would Impact Us Here. But With Numbers Rising, Schools Closed thru the end of the year, And Restrictions Of Gatherings Over 10 People Still In Place, We Reluctantly Must Face The Reality That The Recital We Planned For April 19 (Which Typically Hosts Over 2000 Guests Over The Coarse Of The Weekend )  Will Not Be In The Best Interest Of Public Safety At This Time.  This Is A Heartbreaking Decision For Me. The Recital Represents Hundreds Of Hours Of Planning: Music, Costumes, Scripts, Choreography, Props, Sets, T-Shirt, And A Million Other Details Required To Produce A Show Of This Caliber. There Is No Greater Joy For Me Than Seeing Students Take The Stage And Show Off All The Skills And Progress They Have Gained Over The Season. And While Our Recital Is Incredibly Important To All Of Us, In The Larger Scheme Of Things Our Students, Staff And Studio Family's Health And Safety Is The Number One Concern At This Time. 

We Want To Recognize All The Hard Work Students And Staff Have Put Into This Show. We Take Our  Commitment  To Giving  Students Performance Opportunities Very Seriously.  When It Is Safe To Do So, We Will Have A Performance Of Some Kind, Even If It Looks Different Than What We Had Planned. So, Until Then We Ask All Students To Keep Their Costumes In A Safe Place, And Continue To Practice Their Recital Routines So We Will Be Ready When  That Day Comes ! We Are So Incredibly Proud Of Our Students And We Know They Will Rise To The Occasion Just As They Have Every Week In Class!


Photo shoots will be rescheduled for a later date - we will let you know as soon as we confirm new dates with Love Dove Photography 


If you got a shirt We will Place shirts in your costume bags so you will get them at pick Up (as soon as Stay at Home order is lifted)

GET A FREE SHIRT! We have about 25 Recital shirts left in various sizes!
REGISTER FOR FALL By April 6 to claim one (while supplies last)


if you would like to BUY ONE to help support our studio, we are selling them $20 email me what size and (if we have your size) we will charge your account.


I just wanted to take a moment to sincerely thank our students & studio families for their continued support over the coarse of the season, but especially over the last couple weeks. It’s been a hard and stressful time for all of us. To those who took a minute from their own stressful days to reach out to us, to post pic/videos of their kids dancing, that participated our online lessons and challenges, that shared our posts on social media, or sent us positive emails or messages it has truly helped lift my spirits over the last couple weeks, and i am so grateful for our studio community. Above all else, it’s our incredible BAC families that make our studio such a special place to be. I am also incredibly thankful to have such an amazing team of teachers at BAC - when times are tough they pull up their tights and do whatever needs to be done with a generous heart and a loving spirit!  this is not the way i would ever imagine to end the season, But i am inspired by the way our students and studio families have rallied together to get thru this tough time. I know we will all come out stronger on the other end and we all be dancing together again soon!  Until then I want my dancers know how much we love and miss them. 

We hope you will continue to support BAC by registering for next season & Summer programs, Sharing our social media posts or attending events (when its safe to have them)


Miss Cathy, Miss Paige, Miss Eden, Miss Jen, Miss Wendy, Miss Emily & Miss Marsha


Catharine Skidmore