JULY 26 & 29
We are looking for strong, technical, hard working, positive dancers for our 2 amazing Dance Performance Companies. These advanced placement teams are designed for students who are ready to take their dancing beyond a recreational level. Beyond being extraordinary dancers and performers, company members are role models and ambassadors of our studio in the community. Ideal candidates are motivated, committed, talented and passionate about dance and performance!
Students must have significant training in Ballet, Jazz and Tap plus seasons of Technique class.
Before you AUDITION
Company meets every Monday 6:00-8:00 + Wednesday 6:00-8:15PM.
COMPANY MEMBERS PERFORM IN THE WINTER SHOW: SUN DEC 22, 2024 ($150) (Except for religious Exemptions)
ONLY 3 ABSENCES (PER CLASS DAY) FOR THE SEASON ARE PERMITTED. After 3 absences are reached and A Private lesson must be booked (and paid for) to make up the time.
WRITTEN NOTICE MUST BE GIVEN BEFORE ANY ABSENCE (VIA EMAIL OR BAND) as much notice as possible is appreciated so instructors can Plan Accordingly.
STUDENTS MUST BE REGISTERED FOR THE 2024-25 sEASON TO AUDITION: If you are not enrolled yet, please do so here. If this is your first time auditioning, you should enroll in an Alternative class so you have a class secured regardless of audition results (we will make any Necessary adjustments to your schedule after auditions) .
TECHNIQUE CLASS: Aspiring company Students Should Be Consistently And Currently be Attending Full Season TECHNIQUE Classes In Addition To Regular Classes. depending on how Consistent your attendance is in Technique class and how often you work at home, It Can Take Several Seasons of Technique Class To Master Skills Required For Company.
ATTENDANCE: had less than 3 Absences in any class (including Technique class) last season.
COMMITMENT: Participated in additional Studio Performances (IE: Holiday and Summer Performances), attended summer Dance Intensives @ BAC.
HOME STUDY - Dancers must be Practicing and stretching at home Regularly
CLASS ETTIQUITE: positive Attitude, Excellent behavior, Abides by dress code, no gum or Jewelry, hair up
tURNS: Clean Double Pirouette, Chaines, Fuette & A la Seconde
FLEXIBILITY: Right & Left: splits, heel Stretch, Tilt
JUMPS: Saut de Chat, Middle Leaps, Calypso
KICKS: Battements, Fan kick
TECHNIQUE: Attention to detail, posture/Alignment, turn out, pretty hands, strong arms & legs, Engaged core, pointed feet, no sickling
TAP Skills: Times Steps, Turning Maxie Ford, Buffalo, Drawbacks, Off Broadways
QUALITY OF MOVEMENT: Control, Flow, Energy, Natural Looking
CHOREOGRAPHY: speed Of pick up, memory, Accuracy, confidence, Timing / rhythm
SHOWMENSHIP: energy & expression & confidence
Water in a seal-tight lidded container (spill proof)
Ballet, Tap, Jazz shoes.
Pointe Shoes (Only grade 9-12 who have trained on Pointe)